09474 / 1544

Auto Insurance Claim

Even a minor fend­er ben­der can be an emo­tion­al expe­ri­ence, but your claims process should­n’t be. Learn more about how­peace insur­ance is there for you when you need us most. Sus­pendisse nisl sem, posuere eu pretium in, con­va­l­lis non eros. Prae­sent effici­tur metus in nibh sol­lic­i­tudin tem­por. Sed sodales sed ris­us facil­i­sis inter­dum. Donec hen­drerit a ex in viverra.

Prae­sent sit amet nisl posuere, congue velit ac, scelerisque augue. Nul­lam ultricies erat neque. Eti­am in tor­tor non libero vehic­u­la tin­cidunt. Pel­len­tesque sodales velit eget molestie pretium.

Immediately After the Accident:

Acci­dents can vary in sever­i­ty. Some­times it’s a peb­ble that cracks your wind­shield, some­times it’s a col­li­sion. Here are some guide­lines on what to do after an accident:

  • Remain calm, if anoth­er dri­ver is involved don’t argue with them
  • Move your vehi­cle out of harm’s way
  • Make sure every­one is ok and call 911 if necessary
  • If some­one else is involved, exchange infor­ma­tion, including:
  • Name, address and con­tact information
  • License number
  • insur­ance information
  • Wit­ness information

Reporting the Claim

You can report a claim in a num­ber of dif­fer­ent ways — online, over the phone, or with your mobile device. But no mat­ter how you report it there will be some infor­ma­tion we’ll need to know:

  • Your infor­ma­tion (name, address and which vehi­cle was involved)
  • If you weren’t dri­ving — the name and address of the per­son who was
  • Make sure every­one is ok and call 911 if necessary
  • If some­one else is involved, exchange infor­ma­tion, including:
  • A basic descrip­tion of what happened
  • Sever­i­ty of the damage
  • Esti­mat­ed time / loca­tion of the incident
  • Infor­ma­tion of any­one else involved (oth­er dri­vers, wit­ness­es, etc) is also helpful.
  • Down­load­ing the Acci­dent Notes Form or the Lib­er­ty Mutu­al Mobile app can help you keep track of all these details.

You can Login to track your pay­ment, or call us at



Track Your Claim

You can report a claim in a num­ber of dif­fer­ent ways — online.

Login to track